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Courses and Classes 

Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha)

This course is based on the renowned book 'Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadak'. The series has been highly regarded by both countless students and teachers throughout the years. Providing the perfect foundation to understanding and using the Arabic language.

Beginner to Elementary - consists of  levels 0-2

Students will learn basic reading, writing, grammar and commonly used vocabulary. Students will be able to understand basic sentences and frequently used expressions related to every day life (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, employment).

Pre-intermediate to Intermediate - consists of  levels 3-6

Students will build on what they learnt in previous levels by studying a variety of topics and subjects. By the end of this level students will be able to understand main ideas of complex text and will be able to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.

(Taught alongside Introduction to Arabic Grammar - grammar book)

Advanced - consists of  levels 7-12

At the end of this section students will be able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. The student will be able to express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much searching for expressions. Students will be able to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

(Taught alongside Advanced Grammar - grammar book)

Conversational Arabic

Through this course, students have the opportunity to push their skills, techniques and confidence to a new level in a fun, dynamic way.


Using our specially designed conversation books students will study conversational Arabic over three levels. 

  • Elementary 

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

Each of the above levels consist of around 40 hours of study. It’s also important to mention that students wishing to study this course should have at least completed level 1 of the Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha) program in order to be enrolled.


Qawaa'id An Nuraaniya

It's never too late to learn how to read the Quran. This course will assist you and teach you or your child how to read the Quran with the correct tajweed in a simplified approach. 

Reading and Correction

With this course students will be able to read from the mushaf and one of our experienced teachers will correct your pronunciation and tajweed.


Students can memorise the Quran with their allocated teacher at a pace that suits them. 

Arabic For Kids 

Available Upon Request

Specialised Programs 


Our specialised programs are designed and catered to intermediate - advanced students who wish to pursue further studies of Rhetoric (بلاغة), Dictation (إملاء) and Morphology (الصرف).


We require those who are interested in these courses to have  basic knowledge of them and to have at least completed level 7 of the Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha).


Each of these specialised courses will be taught separately and would consist of around 40 hours of study. 


 Those who wish to undertake a course solely focused on Arabic grammar (النحو) can now do so. This course consists of 3 levels;

  • Elementary

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced


Each of the above levels consist of around 40 hours of study. It’s also important to mention that students wishing to study this course should have at least completed level 2 of the Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha) program in order to be enrolled.

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